Thursday 17 July 2014

(Gadget) The Ritot is a watch that will project the time on your wrist

Ritot Projection Watch
We’re always on the lookout for interesting new watches, and there seems to be something innovative and exciting cropping up every week. TokyoFlash may be near and dear to my heart, but there are many other watches out there that are eye-catching. If you’re in the market for a new watch, but don’t want something every Joe Schmoe is going to have, then what would you want to snazz up your wrist?
If retina verification is your thing, then the FiDELYS smartwatch may be up your alley, but if you’d prefer projection display, then you might want to look into the Ritot. This is a crowdfunding campaign that is already wildly successful, hitting its goal several times over. They claim that this is the first-ever projection watch. While it may not be a new concept, I haven’t previously seen it for day-to-day wear. Whenever you want to see the time, touch the watch or shake your wrist, and the time will appear on your hand.
The light that it emits can be whichever color from the 20+ options that are available to choose from on the clock base. Messages it displays can also be color-coded to your specifications. It can display caller ID, when you have a text, email, reminder, calendar alert, Facebook message, and more. There is even a vibrating alarm if you want to wear this to bed. There are bracelet and sport versions of this watch, and you can guess which one can take a little more rough and tumble. You will be able to see the projected light no matter day or night, and it should be able to keep it’s light for 150 hours while on, or a month straight in standby on a single charge. It is waterproof, and can display in 12 or 24 hour modes. If you’re worried about being left or right handed, you’ll be happy to know that you can change the side it projects on to. This will cost you around $120, and should it reach another stretch goal, will also include activity tracker capabilities.
Available for crowdfunding on Indiegogo

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