Thursday 17 July 2014

(Gadget) iBlazr adds more powerful flash capability for your iPhone

While smartphones have definitely improved by leaps and bounds in the past few years when it comes to the kind of technology involved, there is still one particular aspect of smartphone photography that needs to be looked into – and that is, to capture photos that will turn out great even in low light conditions. This would require a decent performing sensor, not to mention a powerful flash, but while sensor technology in smartphone cameras have taken large strides, the same cannot be said of the accompanying flash. This is where the iBlazr comes in to fill the gap – as it will introduce a far more powerful flash capability for your iPhone, which does seem to be a far better option than past releases like the Paparazzo.
The iBlazr can be best described to be a portable flash solution to a smartphone camera’s struggles when it comes to low light settings. This powerful, compact device will be better illuminates subjects so that you end up with far better looking photos. Not only that, the iBlazr will connect to the audio jack of any Android phone as well, (apart from the iPhone, of course), where it will then provide limitless possibilities that helps churn out great looking photos.
Chris Johnson, Founder of BiteMyApple, shared, “Smartphones and tablets allow us to take high-quality photos anywhere, but the built-in flash isn’t enough during low-light settings. The iBlazr provides users with the same illumination capabilities that a high-end camera provides. You can use the small external flash with your front or back camera so you’ll get the perfect shot or selfie every time.”
The iBlazr’s flash includes a quartet of hi-end American CREE LEDs which provides great light to take a stunning photo, in addition to letting the light come through 60 degree optics for a softer look on subjects. Not only that, the iBlazr has been specially positioned to do away with the red-eye or white-eye effects.
A built-in, rechargeable 200mAh battery runs the iBlazr, which translates to no piggyback ride on your smartphone’s battery life. Expect the black iBlazr to retail for $49.99 each if you are interested.

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